Here are my predictions
for YOUR 2009

Now it's time for the predictions.

Do NOT click NEXT until you read these predictions. Why? Because as you ALLOW yourself to focus in now and just TUNE OUT everything else, you might find yourself realizing this really IS your future.

And, as that happens and you find everything else fading momentarily in the background, ponder these 7 predictions...

1. I predict that if you do what you do in 2008, you'll get about the SAME result in 2009.

You get a different result by taking different actions.

2. I predict that if you keep chasing the latest, greatest, hottest thing promoted by the most marketers with the biggest numbers, the most hype and the most big promises, you'll end up dissapointed again.

See, there is no magic wand, pill or solution that will give you CERTAINTY.

Because 1,000 marketers all promote something to win a BMW, motorcycle or other massive affiliate prize, it does NOT add to the truth of the claims.

If 10,000 people all promote something, it does NOT raise the actual certainty of obtaining results for you, although it may bestow upon you a false psychological certainty.

Social proof in abundance does not increase your liklihood of success or profit.

3. I predict that what YOU seek in 2009 is CERTAINTY. And since you'll never feel CERTAIN you'll never take action.

By seeking the feeling of certainty, you seek something you'll never find. There is no wizard like in the Wizard of Oz who will bestow certainty upon you.

The only certainty is that things will change. Therefore, I predict...

4. Things will CHANGE for YOU by the end of 2009

This I can predict with certainty. It's the only certainty. All other predictions are uncertain. All other results are uncertain.

Things will change for YOU.

Things will change for your CUSTOMERS.

Things will change for your target MARKET.

Things will change for the people who BUY.

And all change creates the opportunity for profit. Without change, there is no opportunity for profit. And the way you TRANSMUTE change into profit is by understanding the social phenomena of Tipping Points.

5. Some products and ideas will reach the Tipping Point for YOU in 2009

While the law of change is the only certainty, the law of the Tipping Point is a less certain but dependable social law. It says that due to the way the human brain sorts and processes information, ideas reach a Tipping Point.

When they reach that Tipping Point, they spread like wildfire. Since you are human if you're reading this, you will find that some ideas Tip for you. Thus sayeth Malcolm Gladwell in the book by the same title, but now get this...

6. The ideas and products where YOU will find your most success, profits and opportunity by the end of 2009 will be Tipping Point products.

Things will change for you in 2009 in accordance to how your Destiny and Fate interact with change and Tipping Points. Destiny, Fate and Tipping Points all collide to determine YOUR December 31, 2009 picture.

Will it be your Fate? Will it be your Destiny?

7. Your December 31, 2009 is yet to be fully determined due to the law of change, and thus the PROFITS you make this year are yet to be determined.

This is your biggest opportunity for profits in Internet marketing.

Although you may have a Fate, you alone determine your Destiny because the outcome is not set in stone.

But WAIT...

The BIGGEST prediction is on the next page.

This is the one that determine how much money YOU personally will make by December 31, 2009.

To see YOUR personal profit picture for December 31, 2009, click right here.


Click Here To See Your BIG,
Final Prediction For 2009